4 comments on “Solemnness of Water: Theme

  1. Hello Murphy. This is a very nice blog post and I commend you on your shrewd cognition. As I am sure you are aware, idealism and materialism are noted as opposing in (their) nature. With that said, I am utilizing the strictly philosophical notion of both and if you have modified the meanings (i.e. you are adhering a more linguistic definition), please forgive my suddenly skewed analysis. Although you have extracted the concept of materialism from Wolf Larsen, I would personally classify him as nihilistic, abiding by the school of thought of nihilism in an existential, moral, and epistemological manner. I find this to be so, especially as you describe Larsen as finding no value in human life. The second quote you use, the one pertaining to Larsen’s stolen money, does nicely demonstrate a linguistic materialism more so. Having not read the book myself, if you were to clarify your semantics in regard to your “-isms” I feel that I would be much more adept at understanding your analyses. You also state that materialism and idealism are equilibrial, alluding to Newton’s Third Law. Like Newton’s Third Law, your thesis (to personify) also contradicts itself by later stating, “idealism will always trump materialism.” Perhaps Noether’s Theorem would suffice? (Sorry, attempted humor.) I am trying to understand which you condone or which is more essential to the theme.

    Thank you for posting your thoughts on this thought-provoking concept. I truly enjoyed reading it.

    – Jesse

    • In my opinion idealism will always trump materialism but that is from view within the system, from an existential view they are in equilibrium. However, we can never truly know what will happen between the two forces since we will always have a bias towards one or the other.

    • Thank you very much!! This is a great topic for debate and analysis isn’t it. The ideas of human nature and how we behave towards one another will never be answered. And we can also say that he represents some of Fredrich Nietzsche’s thoughts can’t we? Can you identify which one I’m referring to (hint: it begins with uber-)?

      • You’re welcome! This is indeed a fantastic topic for debate and analysis. Larsen does embody some aspects of the Übermensch. Nietzsche is very captivating in my opinion. Have you read Thus Spake Zarathustra? Thanks for replying to my comments, I am looking forward to reading your new blog posts!

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